Harvey Nichols Blogger Event pt. 2

Harvey Nichols goodie bag | Ship-Shape and Bristol Fashion

On Thursday I posted about the first half of the Harvey Nichols fashion and beauty blogger event that I went to on Saturday, and today I wanted to write about the beauty hall, where the 12 of us were spoiled rotten with pampering mini treatments.

After our presentation of key spring/summer trends we were let loose  on the ground floor. Walking in a gaggle past perfume counters and make-up stations, it felt like a very fashionable school field trip, with Press & Marketing Manager Nada having organised a fantastic programme of events for everyone.

I was treated to a hand and arm massage at Jo Malone, a mini makeover from Space.NK. and a shape and polish at the Nails Inc Champagne Bar.

Although I’m familiar with the latter two, the Jo Malone experience – a guided tour of each fragrance, customising scents by mixing two together – was totally new. Each cologne (all the scents are unisex) sings with rich notes, from Earl Grey and Cucumber to Orange Blossom, Wild Bluebell and Red Rose.

A lovely Jo Malone representative guided me through the scents before picking out a hand wash, moisturiser  and cologne that would complement each other, before massaging my hands and arms. I left feeling supremely relaxed and am sorely tempted to treat myself to a cologne – if only I could narrow my favourite scent down to just one!

Jo Malone cologne | Ship-Shape and Bristol Fashion

Next up was Space.NK. where Fiona guided me through a myriad of skincare and make-up products to help my dry, sensitive skin. As a make-up artist she was friendly, calming and full of knowledge and enthusiasm. She introduced me to Nude, Kevyn Aucoin and the Nars lip pencils I’d been eyeing up on my last Space.NK. visit.

After Fiona had worked her magic, the finished result – a light base and brick red lips – was perfect for me as it wasn’t too heavy but it toned down my red skin. As if a massage and mini makeover weren’t enough, I was also treated to a shape and polish at Nails Inc, and I plumped for a teal green shade.

Unfortunately the photos below, taken after the event, are the only bits of evidence I have of said manicure, as it only took a few hours before I’d chipped half of it off!

At the risk of gushing because I won a prize, below, and walked away with a bulging goody bag, thanks to Nada for organising the event and all the Harvey Nichols staff who spent time with us on the day. It was great to learn more about the individual brands that Harvey Nichols Bristol stocks and I look forward to my next visit.

Maroon maxi skirt and leather jacketNails Inc manicureHarvey Nichols blogger prize

Ship-Shape and Bristol Fashion has been shortlisted for a Bath in Fashion Blogger of the Year award! Please vote for me here. Voting is easy and requires no personal details or fiddly bits like that, so please pick up those laptops, phones and tablets and get voting! 


Filed under beauty, Cabot Circus

12 responses to “Harvey Nichols Blogger Event pt. 2

  1. eleanorjanebirdy

    Lucky you, what a gorgeous day out! I think I’m tempted to head just towards style/ beauty blogging for the goodies – but no, I’ve got other stuff to say too…

  2. You looked so lovely SJ! I really like the teal polish you picked, shame about the chippage. Well done again for winning that prize! 😉

  3. Well aren’t you a lucky lady?! Great looking swag bag 😉


  4. That’s a pretty awesome looking goodie bag! Sounds like you were thoroughly spoilt! I had my first manicure ever over here in India for not many pennies, it felt super indulgent! x

  5. Pingback: Rock The Week | shipshapeandbristolfashion

  6. Pingback: Nars Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Cruella | shipshapeandbristolfashion

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