Tag Archives: Ship-Shape and Bristol Fashion

Rock The Week

Rock The Week | Ship-Shape and Bristol Fashion

Rock The Week is one year old! When I added RTW to Ship-Shape and Bristol Fashion last year, the aim was to have a weekly post that collated all the best bits from the last seven days, from posts I’d published to personal anecdotes and new blogs or magazines I’d started reading.

Aside from having a two week break over summer, I’ve stuck to my word and published a Rock The Week post every Sunday afternoon for a year. It’s one of my favourite posts to write becuase, as I mentioned in my very first RTW post, it can be all too easy to dwell on the negative, so it’s nice to sit down, usually on a Sunday morning, and look back on all the exciting things that have happened, from the simple pleasures of buying fresh flowers and watching a film to more significant events such as birthdays and anniversaries.

To celebrate I’ve made a little page which groups together all the Rock The Week posts in one place, which you can see just under the banner. It’s weird to see the posts visually all in one place – almost like there aren’t enough to document a whole year, but I look forward to continuing to document 2013 through RTW.

What’s been rocking your world this week? Do you have a similar feature on your blog? Let me know by commenting below…


Filed under Rock The Week