Rock The Week

Fashion related (and totally non-fashion related) things that have made my world go round over the last seven days…

Bristol Blogger Meet Rock The Week

  • Bristol bloggers united. Yesterday was the day of the Bristol Blogger Meet (#bbmeet) at Cabot Circus and it was so much fun. I’ll post about the day (and the epic goody bag!) later this week, but in the mean time thanks so much to Alessia and Sasha for organising.
  • On the blog this week I wrote about a pair of gold glitter ankle boots that a magpie would be proud of, and the vintage dress and wedding vows that made my Valentine’s Day, so go and have a butchers’ if you haven’t already done so…
  • Finally, if you read Business of Fashion, Style Bubble or Man Repeller you’re probably already aware of the response to a Suzy Menkes article that appeared in a New York Times publication a couple of weeks ago. It relates to the ‘circus’ of fashion week shows and the street style element of posing for photos outside of the show venues in eye-catching outfits. While I agree with Menkes that ‘street style’ has become a buzzword for calculated images – it’s really not capturing a subculture when a ‘street style’ photograph features models and designers – it was interesting to see how much negativity now comes with the label of ‘blogger’. The original article and responses are well worth a read if you’re interested in the ongoing shift within fashion blogging culture.

What’s been rocking your world this week? Let me know by commenting below…


Filed under Rock The Week

10 responses to “Rock The Week

  1. I wish I had been able to come to the Bristol meet, it sounded like so much fun!

    Maria xxx

  2. Sounds like you had a great time! This week’s been all about the work (boo) but the weekend has been all about crafting…. sooo close to getting my Breton top done *yay*

  3. The Bristol meet sounded like so much fun, we had a Bournemouth meet on the same day otherwise I probably would have popped up for it, I always love seeing the Bristol contingent! 🙂 Those glitter-y boots are amazing! xo

    Rosie | A Rosie Outlook

  4. It was lovely to meet you in Bristol! I hope we meet again soon 🙂

  5. I love a good blogger meetup! Glad you had fun!

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