Rock The Week

Fashion related (and totally non-fashion related) things that have made my world go round over the last seven days…

Rock The Week 09/06/13

  • Welsh hills. RTW is late this week because I’ve just returned from a long weekend in Wales. Every year a group of us stay in a converted cowshed, miles from the nearest town. It’s a yearly pilgrimage that involves eating lots of food (especially cheese), long walks, barbecues on the beach and, this year, lots of book reading in the sun. It’s remote, with no television, no mobile phone signal and certainly no internet, making it a blissful escape from reality for a few days. We packed so much in to two and half days that I feel like I need another weekend to get over it!
  • Special occasions. This week I posted about the dress Mr Ship-Shape bought me to celebrate our second wedding anniversary. Now that the weather has picked up I can’t wait to wear it around Bristol!
  • Mimi Noor. On Thursday I caught up with my friend Polly and hopped on the train to Bath to attend the Mimi Noor fashion show. One of Bath’s luxury boutiques, Mimi Noor specialises in luxury casual wear, and the show, in a beautiful underground bar, was a treat, complete with MiH and Victoria Beckham denim. Thanks for the invite Mimi!

That was my week in a nutshell – what’s been rocking your world this week? Let me know by commenting below…


Filed under Rock The Week

2 responses to “Rock The Week

  1. I love the sound of an annual meet up, anything with lots of cheese is a winner in my book!

    Maria xxx

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