Rock The Week

Fashion related (and totally non-fashion related) things that have made my world go round over the last seven days…

Rock The Week 07/04/13 | Ship-Shape and Bristol Fashion

  • The Hunger Games. I haven’t been feeling very well this week so I’ve been staying in and having lots of early nights. To counteract this I’ve been racing through magazines and the second Hunger Games book, Catching Fire. I read the first part of the trilogy over the summer and unlike a lot of my friends, I was content to leave it there, but then I saw a spoiler on Pinterest a few weeks ago and decided I needed to find out more, so now I’m halfway through the final book. Katniss and her self-obsession is getting a little grating, but I find the idea of The Hunger Games in general quite fascinating – have you read it?
  • HN Bristol. Yesterday Harvey Nichols Bristol held their first ever blogger event and I was lucky enough to attend, enjoying a morning of pampering, chatting and learning about the store’s concept for S/S13 womenswear. Pop back later in the week for a more detailed post on this event!
  • On the blog this week I shared a secret obsession of mine – gooey chocolate brownies. If you like brownies you should give this Hummingbird Bakery recipe a go because it’s so ridiculously simple and the results are divine!
  • An outfit shoot also appeared this week, featuring a vintage floral dress in one of my favourite places in Bristol. The weather hasn’t been too bad this weekend so I’m hoping it’s the last outfit post that will feature a winter coat.

What’s been rocking your world this week? Let me know by commenting below…

Ship-Shape and Bristol Fashion has been shortlisted for a Bath in Fashion Blogger of the Year award! Please vote for me here. Voting is easy and requires no personal details or fiddly bits like that, so please pick up those laptops, phones and tablets and get voting! 


Filed under Rock The Week

8 responses to “Rock The Week

  1. Bugger, I totally forgot to RSVP to that blogger event, fail! x

  2. Yep – loved the trilogy, it got me to and from work on many a late night (I’m a bit odd, I re-read books to death and then leave them alone for months).

    Hope you’re feeling better x

  3. I loved the Hunger Games books, I read through them all in a day and a half!

    Maria xxx

  4. Look forward to that Harvey Nics post! Hope you’re better. xx

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