What a difference a day makes…

…twenty four little hours. That’s all it takes for a heatwave to turn into a blustery, cold and downright miserable day. After a deliciously hot journey to London last week, I awoke the next morning to a rather murky looking south east London that made a mockery of my red Zara skater skirt and mustard yellow Primark vest.

Fast forward a few days and it’s all jumpers and boots in a bid to shrug off the cold weather. I’ve been living in my Mango chinos and nautical stripy knit jumper from Primark this week but I’m already on the look out for The Winter Coat. This year The Coat could be a trench, a tailored wool number or a brightly coloured 60s pea coat. So long as it keeps me warm I’ll be happy but for now, as I can’t let go of our belated British summer I thought I would post some pictures of London at sunset, instead of heavy winter coats. Enjoy!

The National Gallery, London

The National Gallery, London

Trafalgar Square at sunset

Trafalgar Square at sunset

The London Eye

The view across the river: The London Eye

Big Ben!

Big Ben!

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Filed under A/W11, London, photography, Primark, Zara

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